Saturday, March 24, 2012

PTQ Modern (1st Place 03/24/2012)

5:17AM I am supposed to meet Chris O and Alan at I-10 and 45 at 5:45 so we can drive to Lafayette for the PTQ. Girlfriend drops me off so I don’t have to leave my car randomly somewhere all day. There was a bit of a kerfuffle the night before about PTQ Austin v. PTQ Lafayette. I was on the Lafayette side so I guess that was a victory (or something) in that regard. Google maps said 4 hours (which is blatantly false) to Lafayette and 3 hours to Austin (which I also think is wrong since it always takes me longer to get there. Anway.  

~9:20:AMWe get to the site for the PTQ. The store isn’t even open yet. Chris O had said registration was from 9-10 so we went to Albertson’s (I know I didn’t know they still existed either but don’t forget that Louisiana is in a time warp).  We head back to the store only to find that registration is 10-11 and we are there way fucking early. Great.

I give cards to Chris and Alan that they need for their decks and sideboards. Then they start jamming games against one another. I last minute finalize my sideboard, wander round the room some and also piss about 3 times.

R1 – Mono Red Burn

G1 – He starts attacking from turn 1 with ye olde goblin guide. I start by laying a land saying go, I let goblin guide trigger then bolt his goblin guide (I may or may not have drawn a land). He gets me down as low as 7 life but then I just start snapping back Lightning Helixes. He also reads forked bolt when I play it at some point in the game. He comments that he should probably be playing it.


+3 Leyline of Sanctity

+3 Deft Duelist


-4 S. Lynx

-2 Remand
G2 –I have deft duelist in my opener + lands and some burn. I play duelist on turn 2 and he goes wtf (common theme all day). Then on turn 4 I hardcast leyline. From there I play Geist and beat down in a couple of turns.

Bonus – Chris O won against his tron opponent on the last turn of the game with a top decked Fetch land to turn on Steppe Lynx in order to swing for exactly lethal.

R2 – Melira Pod

G1 – He plays wall of roots on turn 2 to block my steppe lynx. I untap play a fetch and send it in. He must be scared of bolt or need the mana since he doesn’t block. I then play another Lynx and pass. He plays another wall of roots (but no land). I play another fetch and smash in with double lynx he places one wall or roots in front of each. Post combat I play forked bolt dealing 1 damage to each wall or roots putting them both in the bin. He shakes his head after reading the card and commenting that it seems good.  I play a delver of secrets and say go. He untaps attemps to cast a Kitchen Finks which I remand (drawing another remand). I have a land but no fetch and no flip for delver but I still crash in for 5. Then I say go and remand his Kitchen Finks again and win the game. I assume he is on pod but I never saw a pod the whole game.

+3 Smash to Smithereens
-3 Steppe Lynx

G2 – More of the same except he has a few more Birthing pod cards but I just burn him and his dudes that matter while smashing face with Delver and friends. Note to all – this decks is terribad.
Bonus- This guy said he liked Russian cards too I asked if he had any. He pulled out a Russian GSZ and Russian Thrun as well as a Foil Russian Sword of Feast and Famine. I traded both the GSZ and Thrun. The GSZ was the last 1 I needed to complete my Russian playset. J I was unable to get the Russian Sword of Feast and Famine off of him but no matter I got what I needed.

R3 – Aggro Loam
G1 – I play turn 1 Delver and naturally flip. I get some attacks in with delver before he gets loam and flame jab going but then I just start lightning helixing his head and snapping them back.


+3 Leyline
+3 Deft Duelist


-4 Steppe Lynx
-2 Forked Bolt

G2 - He hard casts 2 Obstinate Baloths while I have to lightning Bolt myself (with my shock lands). I meanwhile draw no path to exiles and lose handily. I do show him Leyline because at some point in the game I think I may be able to race him (I was wrong).
G3 – Same sb as G2 for me while he sideboards in what I guess is natures claim. I open the game with 2 Leylines and 5 other cards. I think 3 Land 1 Bolt and 1 Other card. He goes shit I can deal with 1 of those but not 2. Leyline turns off his – Flame Jab (to me), Inquisition, Thoughtseize, and Lilliana’s -2 ability. Then about turn 3 I play deft duelist and he goes wtf. Deft duelist keeps his goyf at bay for the whole game since he can never attack profitably if I have a burn spell (4/5 goyf). J I play a Geist so that I can win any race if he ever does start attacking with goyf. I make a misplay in the game when he plays countryside crusher and ravens crimes himself. I could have bolted the crusher in response to the trigger but I over thought the situation and didn’t. So next turn I have to double bolt it (with help from snappy). Once I get his life down low enough I simply attack all in with Duelist and Geist and bolt for the win. I do have to use some burn on Lilliana at some point in the game since her +1 and -6 both still both work. Several people took some interest in this game and my Deft Duelists.

Bonus – I started delving into my snack cooler this round and got myself a banana. This is very important as I am currently training for the MS-150 and cycled 30 miles the day before. Got to balance those electrolytes.
Round 4 – Storm (w/ sb Splinter Twin)

G1 – He storms my face off after doing an early grape shot to kill delver and steppe lynx to stop my clock. I think I could have played slightly differently since I had a remand in hand but I missed my opportunity to and I die a grape death. I also had lightning Helix in hand so I felt like this game should have gone differently. Oh well.


+3 Leyline
+3 Deft Duelist (my thought is he cannot grape shot or bolt this guy he still probs shouldn’t have come in)


-2 Forked Bolt
-4 Path to Exile

G2- I sideboard in Leyline (since he is on storm…. My opener is double S. Lynx, L. Bolt and 4 Fetches. I decide to keep and just try and race him. His life total goes: - 19, 15, 14, 6, 5 Dead. Somewhere in there I remand a pestermite or Dec. Exarch. Shit damn transformational sideboards…



+2  Forked Bolt
+1 Path to Exile


-3 Deft Duelist

G3 – I out tempo him the whole game. By remanding his card draw when he doesn’t have double blue up to replay a sleight of hand. Then I just burn him out.
Bonus- At some point in the game he Gitaxian Probes me when I have leyline out but we both forget about it. I managed to win that game regardless. I also complain after the match that I didn’t draw any of my other counter spells other than remand…Almonds were also consumed at this point in time.

Round 5 – Chris O Playing UWR but he is playing +3 Molten Rain and +1 Grim Lavamancer instead of my x4 Remand. I also have Moorland Haunt and he doesn’t.
G1 – He wins the die roll and molten rains me on turn 3. After that winning for him is pretty academic.


+3 Leyline

+3 Deft Duelist
+ 3 Combust

-4 Steppe Lynx
- 2 Remand

-3 PTE

G2 – I keep a good hand with no sideboard cards and he plays turn 2 Kor Firewalker which is rough beats for me. Eventually though I play a deft duelist and then another which pretty much shuts his firewalker plan down. I play several lightning helixes throughout the game to keep me in it and also manage to kill an Ajani Vengeant that was tapping down my Moorland Haunt.

G3 – I get an early leyline and play Deft Duelist I win easily from there.

Bonus – Deft Duelist is one of the best cards against Geist of Saint Traft. Moorland Haunt also did some work in G2 allowing me enough time to survive until I drew my sideboard cards.

R6 –ID with Melira Combo.

Bonus – Chris loses to Living End after getting blown out by Ricochet Trap one turn before he can win.

R7 – ID with Jund.

Bonus – Lara bars are consumed by me. J

Top 8

Quarters – UWR Mirrorish but I have 2 Forked Bolt and he has 2 Spell Pierce (Joe Bass who knocked me out of the Quarters at the PTQ in Katy a couple weeks ago)

G1 – Joe is resigned to losing because he has seen my deft duelist secret tech earlier in the day. He thinks I am on the same build as Chris though, so doesn’t know I have remand (something I reinforced earlier when he asked if we were playing the same deck to which I replied yes).  He wins the die roll and plays Delver. I can match his delver with my own or I can Forked Bolt his delver and ping him for 1. I Forked Bolt unflipped delver and ping for 1. Chris O and Alan thought I should wait and try to live the Forked Bolt dream by pinging his delver and steppe lynx if he played it next turn or anything else with a 1 butt. He did play a steppe lynx the next turn but I don’t know if his delver would flip or not. Chris, Alan and I had all decided on leading with Steppe Lynx if you have both in your opener since it has more of an immediate effect on the game and you have to play your lands out anyway so you may as well get those landfall bonuses so I assumed as well he would do the same thing. Also I knew he has spell pierce in his deck to potentially protect delver and blow me out. In addition if his delver flips I lose 3 life and he doesn’t take the 1 damage when Forked Bolt has to go all in on a Delver. I also have Snapcaster in hand, so I figure I will get value out of the Forked Bolt later in the game and there is no point being greedy now. I run a bunch of dudes out there that he has to kill and then on one turn I play Geist and a Grim Lavamancer. He has the choice between playing his own Geist to legend kill or dealing with Grim Lavamancer. He deals with Geist and my Grim Lavamancer is online and takes over the game.

G2 – Open on Leyline and then play Deft Duelist on turn 2 or 3. GG.  He has 12 points of burn in his hand at the end of the game and I have 12 life. J

Semi-Finals – Storm (Player from Round 4)

G1 – I play super aggressive and burn him out. Lightning helix does a lot of work in making sure my life total stayed high enough that grape shot would have to be pretty big. He comments that he didn’t want to have to play against me because of all my disruption plus all my aggro…



+ 3 Leyline

+ 3 Deft Duelist (doesn’t die to bolt of grapeshot and beats down)

G2 –

-4 PTE

-2 Forked Bolt

G2- It is very hard to sb against transformational sideboards but I gave it a go anyway. I open on leyline but he is on the twin plan and he manages to twin when I tap out for geist 1 turn before he is dead.



+3 Molten Rain

+3 PTE


-3 Deft Duelist

-3 Leyline

G3 – He is probs still on twin or maybe went back to storm I decide that I will board in PTE since if he is on twin they are good and I can always use them to pump steppe lynx if need be. There is some argument between Alan and I afterwards as to whether I should just board in combust instead of PTE. I think that gives me too many dead cards so I am against it. Molten rain was my trump idea since he has not seen it any of the games that we have played so he may not keep a land heavy hand. I can also live the dream of turn 1 threat, turn 2 threats, turn 3 remand turn 4 molten rain.  I messed up fetching the wrong land one turn and was going to be unable to play the molten rain that was in my hand but my deck gave me a fetch off the top which allowed me to molten rain him and dome him for 2 which kept him off the all important 4 mana. This gave me have another turn to get some burn to win the game. J

Finals – Living End (for which I have exactly 0 sideboard cards)

G1 – I play super aggressive and he doesn’t have anything in time. I actually play way too aggressively since I overcommitted to the board (by at least 1 Geist). He cycles through a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of cards so I am somewhat surprised he couldn’t find what he needed. I probably kept up remand a little too defensively the whole game. One turn he plays EOT Beast within on one of my lands and I remand it because I will be unable to play remand if he combos on his own turn anyway so I may as well have the extra card in hand. This doesn’t end up mattering though as he was unable to draw his combo anway.  

G2 – I keep a somewhat loose 7 (Grim, Bolt, Bolt, 3 Land, Serum Visions) with the intent of just trying to race him with my lavamacer + burn in hand. He helps me out by mulling to 4…


Edit -

Link and decklist.


4 Delver of Secrets
3 Geist of Saint Traft
1 Grim Lavamancer
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Steppe Lynx
Creatures [16]
2 Forked Bolt
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lightning Helix
4 Path to Exile
4 Remand
4 Serum Visions
Spells [22]
4 Arid Mesa
2 Hallowed Fountain
2 Marsh Flats
2 Misty Rainforest
1 Moorland Haunt
2 Sacred Foundry
4 Scalding Tarn
1 Snow-Covered Island
1 Snow-Covered Mountain
1 Snow-Covered Plains
2 Steam Vents
Lands [22]
3 Combust
3 Deft Duelist
3 Leyline of Sanctity
3 Molten Rain
3 Smash to Smithereens

Saturday, March 3, 2012

PTQ Modern (7th Place 03/03/2012)

I played in the Modern PTQ on Saturday at 3rd Coast and made T8 and ended up in 7th place out of the 100+ people that showed up.

I wanted a deck that had blue in it, could play blood moon and had ancient grudge. This left me with UR as pretty much the only choice and thus I ended up on the splinter twin plan. Of course I never sided in blood moon all day but what will you do. I also felt like splinter twin has a little bit of oops I win similar to painter stone in legacy of which I have played a fair amount. So despite having never played splinter twin before I had all the cards for the deck so I sleeved her up with as many miscuts and Russians as I could muster. My miscut basic lands had more than a few opponents jumping out of their seats because they weren’t sure what cards I was playing.  I could tell a couple of people wanted to call judges on me but they didn’t know what for exactly…

The list was basically Matt Sperling's from Channelfireball with a couple of changes to the sideboard and 1 Snow Covered Island instead of 1 regular island (purely for miscut potential J ).

·         4 Deceiver Exarch

·         4 Pestermite

·         4 Splinter Twin

·         3 Kiki-Jiki the Mirror Breaker

·         4 Serum Visions

·         4 Sleight of Hand

·         4 Dispel

·         3 Spellskite

·         3 Grim Lavamancer

·         3 Flame Slash

·         4 Scalding Tarn

·         4 Misty Rainforest

·         1 Arid Mesa

·         2 Halimar Depths

·         2 Cascade Bluffs

·         2 Sulfur Falls

·         3 Island

·         1 Snow Covered Island

·         1 Mountain

·         3 Steam Vents

·         1 Stomping Ground


·         1 Vines of Vastwood

·         1 Mutagenic Growth

·         2 Vendilion Clique

·         2 Grafdigger's Cage

·         1 Relic of Progenitus

·         3 Blood Moon

·         3 Ancient Grudge

·         2 Echoing Truth

 Round 1(Boros) –
G1: I play scalding tarn into steam vents to lightning bolt myself and play grim lavamancer and say go. This sets the tone of the match as he wrongly assumes I am on some sort of UR or URW aggro plan. He starts flinging goblin guides at me and burning my face. On turn 2 I sleight of hand or serum visions to sculpt my hand and burn his guide with lavamancer after getting a land when he attacks. Turn 3 I pass and he taps out so I EOT exarch and untap and win with splinter twin. He is shocked and surprised that I am on splinter twin and is pretty shook up about it. I have never seen Grim Lavamancer in twin he exclaims.

G2: He has every removal spell under the sun including having the 3rd path to exile the 3rd time I try and combo even though he only has one card in hand. Then he draws runner, runner burn spells to dome me for the win. I was at 6 I believe so double shard volley does it.
G3: I sculpt my hand and just keep playing exarchs and making him burn them out until I can finally combo with kikijiki with dispel backup.

Feeling pretty good because Boros is not a good matchup. They have so much removal to kill all my combo pieces and a quick clock which is pretty rough.

Round 2 (Mono Red) –
Before this round starts I am looking at my opponents life pad. His opponent’s life goes 20-18-13-6-0 and his life was unchanged. G2 he loses and G3 he wins again through similar life changes. I put him on Burn or Boros. At this point I am feeling like maybe I chose the wrong deck to play since my creatures need to live in order for me to combo. Oh well.

G1: He mulls to 5 and wins. He figures out what my game plan is and manages to curve out while always keeping burn up to interact with my combo he also has Flame Javelin which means he doesn’t have to 2 for 1 himself to kill exarch. L

G2: I start taping his dudes and just playing deceiver’s and pestermites and attacking for 2 with pestermite and leaving the exarchs back on defense against his goblin guides and hellspark elementals.  Eventually I draw dispel and go for the combo. He stops the combo but has to 2-1 himself to do so, then I untap and play kiki-jiki and combo anyway.  This game also teaches me that deceiver exarch does NOT have flying…so yeah that is important. I attacked with a deceiver exarch on one turn and he blocked with a goblin guide which surprised me then I read deceiver exarch and found out that yup no flying key word.

G3: I am at 8 life and he has goblin guide, searing blaze and incinerate in hand. I have pestermite and deceiver exarch on board both tapped from attacking. I tap his goblin guide with a freshly played exarch and then he searing blazes pestermite, I echoing truth my pestermite and exclaim that I don’t take the 3. Well apparently I should have read searing blaze first since I still take the 3 damage. It doesn’t make any difference to the outcome as I still untap and win with my deceiver exarch with the only card that he can have being combust to interact with me since he only has 1 card and 2 mana.  If he had kept both burn spells in hand he could have made my combo fizzle but then he has a goblin guide to my pestermite and deceiver exarch + a couple cards in hand.
Round 3 (URW Scepter) –
G1: Grim lavamancer kills every card in his deck except for geist.  Isochron scepter with telling time on it is cute but just winning is better.

G2: He has some awkward draws (i.e. – scepter in hand but only drew a couple spells all game mana leak and telling time I think) my opener is – Island, Fetch, Kiki-Jikki, 2 Pestermite, Deceiver Exarch, Grim lavamcer, I am on the draw and don’t draw a land for 4 turns. I even attack for 1 damage on turn 2 since he tapped out to counter the spellskite that I drew. He untaps and exclaims “life doesn’t matter in this matchup” and takes 3 from fetch plus untap dual (cue forshadowing). I also play a sleight of hand (bricking on lands) and another grim lavamancer after he kills the first. At some point I miss just shooting him for 2 damage with lavamancer when I have 4 cards in graveyard and he is tapped out because of telling time or visions. He cliques me on turn 5 or so and sees - Kiki-Jikki, Splinter Twin, 2 Pestermite, 2 Deceiver Exarch, Dispel. He take splinter twin and I draw a land and mainphase pestermite untapping a land (for dispel or grim lavamancer). He starts playing threats but I just start playing my flash dudes to tap his guys and race. Taking the extra 2 damage from his land earlier probably lost him one turn but he probably still loses this game (and I should have domed him for 2 with a lavamancer activation as well). This is the first time I got to win without the combo though which felt pretty good. 
Round 4 (Bant) – I recognize this guy from way back when I played in an extended PTQ in 2002-3 or so. I remember getting beaten down my Troll ascetics and other tricksy or shrouded green creatures with big equipment.  

G1: He leads with misty into noble. I know he is probs on some sort of bant so I just sculpt my hand and win. He does get geist down but I can just combo him out.

G2: I should have won this game but I misplay because I forgot to mark 2 life from a shockland I played earlier in the game…Dual lands make life so much easier. Not blocking meant I couldn’t do my winning play with dispel backup since I would be 1 mana short and 1 blocker short due to having to chump…lame.

G3: This time I don’t fuck up and I just combo him on turn 5-6 with kiki jiki while he has the answers only for the twin half of the combo since he has pridemage up and ready to go (this happened several times throughout the day).
Round 5 (Twin) –

G1: I have no idea what to do in the mirror match. He plays 3 sleight of hands/serum visions and combos on turn 4 because I have nothing.
G2: I still have no idea how to play this and lose because I try to race him when we get into a weird board state (with both of us having spellskite) but life is irrelevant because he just untaps and combos so I cannot life race him. I made him go to 3 because of spellskite and I was at 5 with two echoing truths in hand. I misplayed which cost me g2. I could have forced at least a g3.

Round 6 (Meliria Pod) –

G1: Seriously this is a real deck? He combos on about turn 4-5 meanwhile I try and spellskite and activation of his sac vampire cry guy (turns out I cannot do that) so he combos but cannot draw to kill me. I untap and combo him. J

G2: Side some hate in…no reason but whatever. He has kitchen finks, pridemage and birthing pod in play and it is turn 5. He sacs kitchen finks to get what I think is going to be linvala but instead he gets the guy that shoots me for 2. I say ok then untap and combo with Kiki-Jiki. Prior to this he also tapped both of his lands to activate birthing pod then fetched the little goblin guy but then says I paid the life so I get to untap my mana. He needed the mana up for pridemage (which was irrelevant) but he doesn’t know that. I just call a judge and the judge is like umm your opponent can let you take it back but you already searched your library and did something so it’s tapped. I don’t let him take it back then untap and combo.
Round 7 – ID with a twin opponent. My opponent definitely makes it into t8 with a draw because he has the highest breakers of all the 15’s (of which there are 7). The top 4 all draw and we are at table 3. I decide that if I play and lose I am auto out of the top 8; whereas there is a chance of an unintentional draw elsewhere since every other 15 has to play (I was 6th seed going into last round). I also don’t feel comfortable with the mirror match having played it exactly once...

So as a lucky miser it turns out the one match that I needed to draw did in fact draw so I made t8 as the 8th seed. J

URW (Joe Bass)

G1: He has everything and I landflood a lot with just two combo pieces and a card draw card as my only action of the whole game. Geist does the damage while he just burns through me and my guy.

G2: More of the same though I do blow him out with vines and mutagenic growth to save my deceiver. He draws 3 burn spells in a row though to finish me off when I am at 9 life and ready to combo next turn.
All in all a pretty fun deck to play though I wish I had at least played a couple games with the deck before hand to get the feel for it a little more.

Edit -

Link to decklist.
