Saturday, February 15, 2014

Under the Sea (Legacy Merfolk Deck 02/15/14)

I decided to stick with Merfolk again this week and take it for another spin.

I updated the list a little by cutting Sygg, the River Cutthroat for a second Merrow Reejery. Sygg, the River Cutthroat was pretty good in every game that I played him but I figured that the extra damage provided by a lord would be almost as good as the extra couple of cards.  I also trimmed a Cosi's trickster to add an extra land to the deck. The decision was between Wasteland and Mishra's Factory. I decided I would get more free wins off of Wasteland so I went with that.

Current List:

Creatures (30)
  • 2 Cosi's Trickster

  • 1 Tidal Warrior

  • 4 Cursecatcher

  • 4 Lord of Atlantis

  • 4 Master of the Pearl Trident

  • 4 Phantasmal Image

  • 4 Silvergill Adept

  • 4 True-Name Nemesis

  • 2 Merrow Reejery

 Lands (21)

  • 12 Island

  • 4 Cavern of Souls

  • 4 Mutavault

  • 1 Wasteland
Spells (10)

  • 4 Daze

  • 4 Force of Will

  • 2 Spell Pierce

Sideboard (15)

  • 1 Grafdigger's Cage

  • 1 Pithing Needle

  • 1 Relic of Progenitus

  • 1 Divert

  • 4 Swan Song

  • 2 Submerge

  • 2 Umezawa's Jitte

  • 1 Manriki-Gusari

  • 1 Reality Ripple  
R1 Affinity (Win 2-1)–

I usually play a lot of RUG Delver and Affinity is a joke matchup because you have Lightning Bolts and a quick clock. Sure Stifle isn’t too hot (though sometimes they never get to equip their cranial plating) but your main deck is pretty well setup against them and it only gets better G2/G3 as you get to bring in at least 1 Ancient Grudge at a minimum. Merfolk on the other hand doesn’t have a really good way to interact with the little robots, so we are simply off to the races!
I brought Jitte and Manriki - Gusari in since they are running SFM. This gives my Phantasmal Images some additional utility.

R2 Elves (Win 2-1) –

Ugh another matchup where I have very little interaction with my opponent game 1. Game 2 and 3 isn’t much better either… Submerge and Grafdigger’s cage are pretty much all we have as well as some copies of swan song to replace the weak spell pierces.

R3 Lands (Loss 1-2) –

Game 1 – I play turn 1 Cursecatcher. He plays turn 1 Tabernacle….

Game 2 – I play turn 1 Cosi’s Trickster. He plays turn 2 Tabernacle…

Bad matchup number 3! We are rocking and rolling today. To win this matchup you really need to curve out and have a couple of counters to keep them off balance. Cursecatcher is awkward because it isn’t amazing like it is v. combo but it is almost a necessary evil.

Well those were quick games. These are the only games where I really miss having extra Wasteland in the 75.

R4 Mono Red (Win 2-1) –
Wait what?!?!? Are these matches fixed? While none of these decks are super rogue it is a pretty unlucky cross section of the metagame to come up against.

Game 1 – This game is quite interesting. We both start racing and he has me at 10 when he plays Sulfuric Vortex. I have 3 Merfolk on board (Cursecatcher, Lord, a TNN) and a Mutavault in play. In my hand I have x2 Cavern of Souls, a Force of Will and a Lord of Atlantis. I can put him to 2 after the Sulfuric Vortex trigger and I will be at 8. I can make an argument for either play but I thought having him almost dead on board would better. He had the flame rift + fireblast to get me for 8. While I just had a FOW left in hand.

Game 2 – I play turn 1 curse catcher, he suspends rift bolt. I play another Cursecatcher and attack for one. He unsuspends rift bolt and I divert it to him. After this I just play a couple of lords and race.

Game 3 – I Phantasmal Image a Cursecatcher in the early game and win the game by double daze + curscatcher on a lethal fireblast.
The deck handled itself surprisingly well today in spite of playing against solely rogue decks.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Little Mermaid (Legacy Merfolk Deck 02/08/14)


Earlier in the week I had promised the wife that I would pick us up some homemade Italian pasta at some point. Luckily for me as Friday rolled around I remembered to swing past Fabio’s Trattoria to pick some up. As usual I was not disappointed – One tupperware of Fettucine with black pepper and a tub of freshly made pasta sauce with cheese, tomato and basil. I have no idea what the sauce is called but it is the most tasty and delicious thing ever. Thank you Italy!


I desperately wanted to play something new and/or different. I had been on a DNT and RUG kick for the last several months and hadn’t played much of anything else. After poring over lists on – The Source, TC Decks and Happy MTG, I couldn’t find anything to get my creative juices flowing. Ultimately, this is why I usually end up playing RUG or DNT. That and I have them pre-built, pre-sleeved and mostly miscut/misprint and foreign. I then decided that I wanted to play a deck with 4 TNN. This then quickly deteriorated into a quick brainstorming session of how I could play with as many TNN’ as possible.

I also briefly thought about sleeving up something starting with the following:

X4 Phantasmal Image

X4 Stoneforge Mystic

X4 True-Name Nemesis

As much as I (still) love the idea I think this deck idea needs a little more work. Hopefully this is something that we can revisit at some point in the future.

To date I have only played decks utilizing a maximum of 3 TNN so I had to open one of my sealed mindsezies. After holding my breath in the hope that the whole thing was miscut - it wasn’t - I quickly found the TNN and started to sleeve up the mer-men.

It has been a while since I have brought trident’s to battle in legacy.

The list:
Creatures (30)
  • 3 Cosi's Trickster

  • 1 Tidal Warrior

  • 4 Cursecatcher

  • 4 Lord of Atlantis

  • 4 Master of the Pearl Trident

  • 4 Phantasmal Image

  • 4 Silvergill Adept

  • 4 True-Name Nemesis

  • 1 Sygg, River Cutthroat

  • 1 Merrow Reejery

Lands (20)

  • 12 Island

  • 4 Cavern of Souls

  • 4 Mutavault

Spells (10)

  • 4 Daze

  • 4 Force of Will

  • 2 Spell Pierce

Sideboard (15)

  • 1 Grafdigger's Cage

  • 1 Pithing Needle

  • 3 Relic of Progenitus

  • 1 Divert

  • 4 Swan Song

  • 1 Flusterstorm

  • 2 Umezawa's Jitte

  • 1 Manriki-Gusari

  • 1 Reality Ripple

The Cards (you see):

Island / Cavern of Soul’s
This combination is a very good reason to be playing Merfolk right now. The “combo” of not being vulnerable to wasteland and having uncountable threats is particularly powerful when the current most popular deck is UWR and a large part of their game plan is Wateland + Daze.

Tip: Slow roll-your cavern of souls to play around your opponents wastelands. This is worth doing even if you open up some of your merfolk get countered but then you land TNN.


Mutavault adds a lot of offensive power to your board and gives you some more play against control decks which can be rough matchups. It also provides even more offensive power in a race situation.

True-name Nemesis

You get to play all 4 TNN and if you have a cavern they are uncounterable.

Phantasmal Image

Sorry did I say 4 TNN? Image does everything and is the best creature in almost every situation – v. Combo and light on disruption, take another cursecatcher, need to draw cards? Become another silvergill adept, need to race your opponent have some more lords.

Cosi’s Trickster

This guy is quite tricky… He comes down as an innocuous one drop that nobody wants to counter or kill but almost every single deck in the format will help you out by putting at least 1 counter on him. After that he is just a lord away from being a one blue mana wild nacatal. He really shines against the combo decks (though he is no cursecatcher) as he add a lot of offensive power to your board very quickly while they are busy fetching and playing cantrips to find their combo.

Tidal Warrior

One blue mana. Check. Power and Toughness. Check. Ok so this guy looks bad on paper…he probably is bad but he lets you make some really funny/cute plays.

Imagine the following opener:

Cavern of Souls, Mutavault, Tidal Warrior, Lord of Atlantis, Daze, Merrow Reejery, Spell Pierce

Turn 1: Cavern, Tidal Warrior

Turn 2: (Draw Master of the Pearl Trident) Mutavault, turn Mutavault into an island with Tidal Warrior then cast a Lord of Atlantis.

 Sygg the River Cutthroat

The last time I played merfolk I was trying to cast turn 1 Island - Aether Vial, Turn 2 Mutavault – Standstill. This was merfolks draw engine other than silvergill adept as well as additional insurance versus combo. I am sans standstill primarily because of a lack of vial and secondarily because as legacy has developed it has gotten worse as a card (more people know how to play around standstill nowadays).


All the other fish from the sea (LoA + Master, Curse, Silvergill, etc)

Spell Pierce

I don’t like to lose to combo and sometimes you just need to protect your fish from Lightning bolt, swords to plowshares, et al.

The Cards (you don’t see):

Aether Vial

Turn 1 Island, Aether Vial. There are not many better starts than that, right? So why did I refrain from casting any vials? Vial may be the absolute worst card to draw after turn 3. Oh yeah and guess what, I am already running a quasi aether vial in the deck (cavern of souls). Cavern of Souls doesn’t take a spell slot and cannot be stifled. Sure it means I don’t get to make sweet instant speed plays like flashing in lords to protect my guys, etc. However, it lets me play more fish! FISH! FISH! FISH!


While building the deck I realised I was going to hit a land constraint. I used to play merfolk a lot and I know that at a minimum I need to have 12 Island’s in order to cast my spells and in order to play Daze. The next 4 lands were going to be cavern of souls. This would give us an even more robust manabase with which to cast our turn two UU spells. As for the last slot. Do we go mutavault or wasteland? Ulitmately, I decided that the offensive power of Mutavault would allow me to get some more play against control decks which I deem as bad matchups. In addition, there are a few matchups where you have to just race your opponent and nothing helps to race your opponentbetter than “free” creatures.  It also makes your lords marginally stronger and gives you some more play around edict effects which are important when you are playing TNN.

Merrow Reejery (2, 3 & 4)

Oh yeah so TNN is a card and it is 100% wrong to play less than 4 TNN. This means that the 3 slot is quite packed so some Reejery’s have to get the axe.


Swan Song

I played the full 4 of these because it is super powerful and I wanted to see just how good this card is (so I wanted to draw it). You probably never bring this in against anyone that isn’t running Islands so you don’t really care about the “drawback.”


This is a way to - deal with opposing TNN’s, protect your lords, “countering” abrupt decay, making players hymn or thoughtseize themselves, and being an additional spell pierce in a counter war.

R1 – Reanimator (Budget build base black)

Game 1 – I play a turn one trickster and I have a daze in hand to deal with anyone trying to do any shenanigans on turn 1. I then play Silvergill adept into Curse Catcher, into a lord to put him on a very quick clock with just enough disruption.

Side In: +2 Relic of Progenitus, +1 Grafdiggers Cage.

Side Out: -2 True-Name Nemesis, -1 Tidal Warrior

Game 2 – Daze’s just stop him dead in his tracks. From there the little fish beat down.

R2 - RUG

Game 1 – He plays turn 1 delver, I play turn 1 Cosi’s Trickster. He doesn’t flip delver. He plays a Ponder and he shuffles J (trigger Trickster). Then I just play a cavern of souls and jam merfolk every turn until he is dead. He tried to race with Delver but Island walk is really good and mutavault gave me an extra attacker.

Game 2 – He leads off with a ponder and I just start jamming mer-men until he is dead. He has goyf but I play a TNN and just keep attacking.

R3 – BUG

Game 1 – I curve out and just overpower him with Island walkers.

Game 2 – Mis-sequence my plays to protect Cavern from Wasteland but it puts me really behind on board when he plays a golgari charm. I should have just started laying lords down but I was playing around daze as well. Sometimes you need to just play your game and not worry too much about what your opponent has. He had the abrupt decay and the golgari charm so it probably doesn’t change the outcome of the game but I should have used my mana more efficiently each turn.

Game 3 – We both slow down a bit for this game but I leverage being on the play and get TNN into play ASAP and try to play around golgari charm as much as possible.

R4 – Miracles

Game 1 – He leads with top. I lead with Cosi’s Trickster. I play a silvergill adept and start beating down. I try not to overcommit to the board and have a mutavault for after his first terminus. I eventually kill him with a mutavault + TNN (he has swords in hand).

Game 2 – I refrain to counter a counterbalance because I don’t think it is relevant (I have cavern of souls in play but I have a swan song, fow and a blue card in hand). I end up losing when he counters my FOW with his counterbalance (me trying to FOW his Terminus).

Game 3 – I lay a couple of threats and use my counter magic to protect them.

In conclusion - here is why fish is quite powerful:

Island’s + Cavern of Souls + True Name Nemesis + Counter Magic
