Wednesday, September 21, 2016

MTG Kaladesh Legacy & Modern Set Review

MTG Kaladesh Legacy & Modern Set Review

It's that time again for my Legacy and Modern Review of the newest set Kaladesh!


Authority of Consuls - This is an interesting rootmaze esque effect, unfortunately the decks that would want to play (think lock piece decks) are probably wanting to run COTV which is a big nombo. This would have been a nice sideboard card vs. Splinter Twin but WOTC already axed that.

Cataclysmic Gearhulk - Not a true Cataclysm but an interesting effect nonetheless. This plus Eldrazi Displacer has some cute combos and could be a good sideboard card. Not being able to destroy your opponents planeswalkers is pretty bad though.

Fragmentize - Sorcery speed sucks but this will destroy almost everything you would want to for a low mana investment with little downside. The real question is will they every print a better white card than Disenchant at kill artifacts and enchantments?

Toolcraft Exemplar - A 3/2 creature for W is a pretty good deal and a 3/2 first strike for W is a very good deal. Note that it is not legendary and that it is an artificer ...

This is very relevant with Cavern of Souls. We are probably not there yet but this is at least interesting to think about. Unfortunately, Toolcraft Exemplars pumps are only when he is attacking.


Ceremonious Rejection - We will see how good this card is but countering some stuff from Eldrazi/Mud does seem good/fun.

Gearseeker Serpant - This little guy probably needed to have only 1 coloured mana symbol to be playable but he is certainly interesting to think about in Modern affinity and Pauper.

Paradoxical Outcome - This is the sort of card that could make Storm combo better in modern if we have a few more good 0 mana cards.

Select for Inspection - Not quite a bounce draw a card but this is at a very appealing mana cost with about 30/50% of a card tagged on.

Torrential Gearhulk - I think that this guy is good enough as a 5th Snapcaster Mage in Modern. He doesn't get hit by the usual removal (Abrupt Decay and Lightning Bolt) and he generates some good value especially if he flash blocks and flashes back a good spell. I am sure that he will be a total beast in Standard as well.


Harsh Scrutiny - Wow, this can only hit creatures but this is pushed quite far when you look at this from a Standard perspective where most decks are jamming a lot of creatures. The worst thing about discard is how bad it is in the late game, the scry tagged on here makes this at least quasi-useful even if you miss or draw it late. Saying that, this is likely not good enough for legacy and maybe only marginally sideboard playable for modern. Curving out with this in Standard though is going to be brutal, take your creature, setup my next draw, etc. Ugh....


Blossoming Defense - OOOhhhh..I quite like this in infect. Having 8 protection spells that also pump is very nice. This is definitely better in modern than legacy but perfectly serviceable.


Built to Smash - While this is not going to see any play (Brute Force is better). This card is pretty interesting as +3/+3 and trample are both very potent. Imagine using this to pump an Ornithopter with cranial plating on it in response to a lightning bolt from your opponent...

Cathartic Reunion - This seems very aggressive in modern for filling up your graveyard with Golgari-Grave Trolls and the like.

Chandra, Torch of Defiance - There aren't too many Planeswalkers in Legacy that aren't Jace or Elspeth. There certainly aren't any red ones (Ajani Vengeant only partially counts). The new Chandra is very good if someone can find a home for her. Imperial Painter could certainly use all of her abilities and her ultimate works well with dead Pyroblasts?

Inventor's Apprentice - I love me some Kird Apes (Loam Lions need not apply). I have no idea where this guy would go, which means the answer is probably nowhere but he is definitely a playable guy in modern if you choose to try and make him work.

Madcap Experiment - We all know the combos with this card by now. This card is fine and may make for some interesting sideboard strategies.

Spark of Creativity - I think this card is interesting if you can leverage it in a deck as at least a cycle and sometimes you get to kill a creature.


Aehter Hub - Replaces Tendo ice bridge in Lantern...

Blooming Marsh, Botanical Sanctum, Concealed Courtyard, Inspiring Vantage, Spirebluff Canal - This is a pretty important cycle to finish off and all of the previous ones saw quite a lot of play. These could even see some play in Legacy and Vintage due to cards like Choke and Islandwalk.

Inventors' Fair - Gaining a life every turn is pretty good against some decks. Tutoring from a land is also pretty good, especially when you can get an artifact. This is likely to see some modern play in lantern, and eh maybe affinity but I can also see this dipping in to legacy MUD decks as those decks often run out of gas.


Aetherflux Reservoir - I think this one has been talked to death by now as well. It is at least another potential win condition which is always nice.


Nothing to see here for Legacy / Modern.

Overall we have a pretty underwhelming set for modern/legacy but there are a couple of fun cards to try out in sideboards. Blossoming Defense is the card I am most looking forward to playing, did they finally push too many good pump spells into infect?
