I am running a little late for this set review but I wanted to share anyway.
Usually I go through colour by colour but we are pretty light on payable's this time around, so lets get straight to the meat (with my ranking).
1. Dromoka's Command & Zurgo Bellstriker
- These look to be the best cards in the set by far for Legacy. I can see both of these popping up as 1/2 ofs in the only decks that they make sense to be in (GWx and Mono Red).
- Dromoka's Command is extremely versatile and will give some good edges to Mirror Matches and the other fair matches (Delver, Death and Taxes, etc.).
- Zurgo is likely a 1/2 of in Mono red decks with are forever present in Texas at least. He is a legend so I don't think you want too many of him. He also isn't quite a Goblin Guide but this guy is going to do some damage when combined with Goblin Guide.
2. Rending Volley
- Another way to Kill Delver of Secrets, Stoneforge Mystic, etc..
3. Myth Realized
- This cards has sweet design but I think it is too much of a dream. When you have this card work it will look like the best card in your deck but when you top deck it on turn X it will look like poop. If this card does see any play I think it would more likely be as a sideboard card.
- Also insert obligatory reference to Enchantress. Done.
Other (Even more Tenuous)
4. Self-Inflicted Wound
- This is a narrow sideboard card but a nice way to kill off Green and White guys that will also kill off a Progenitus if that ever become relevant again. Unitl then I will stick with Deathmark though.
5. Shambling Goblin
- I don't know if having 8 of this effect is good enough to see play with something like Goblin Bombardment. I will leave that for Sam Black to decide.
6. Roast
- In the RUG mirror match this does kill Tarmogoyf. I still don't know that you want this in your 75 though. Maybe if Tombstalker/ Tasigur became a bigger thing.
7. Twin Bolt
- So, so close. When they make this cost R aka Instant Speed Forked Bolt, they will have printed maybe my favorite Magic card. Until then I will keep playing Forked Bolt.
8. Collected Company
- I will leave some mad genius to figure out how to get this to work.
9. Atarka's Command
- A must play in Modern but a pretty good card in legacy too if you care about the life gain.
10. Kolaghan's Command
- All of these modes are pretty good in a Grixis Type deck. It is a shame that it costs 3 mana but playing 1 of these in your 75 is reasonable.
All she wrote.
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