For those not in Houston:
Hence work was cancelled, daycare was cancelled, court was cancelled, etc. Having the day at home with the family was great and thankfully we had electricity and Internet!
My weapon of choice for the Legacy Daily was Infect. I have played infect a few times in small legacy events in paper and I played quite a lot of modern infect online several months ago. I felt pretty comfortable with the deck since it bridges the gap between Modern Infect and Legacy Delver. I had just bought my Wastelands, so I had the entire deck complete minus 1-2 cards which are not 100% essential to run (Stifle & Karakas). After playing 1 random match in the tournament practice room versus a Storm opponent (Won 2-1) to get rid of the MODO rust, I was ready to enter my first Legacy Daily.
(Will link to Daily Decklists)
For some reason I am not having any luck finding the daily decklists for the event I played in. I will list the event # and maybe someone who is more familiar with MODO can help me out.
Round 1 - Miracles
G1 - He played land go and I just chipped away at him until he died.
G2 - I beat his Bloodmoon because I had a guy in play and then force of willed his removal spell.
Round 2 - Storm
G1 - Quick clock and a few counterspells is good enough to get it done.
G2 - My opponent went lotus petal, brainstorm. I force of willed his brainstorm and then won from there.
Round 3 - UR Delver (or Mono Red with Gitaxian Probe)
G1 - My opponent probed me and played some red spells.
G2 - I dazed his Eidolon of the Great Revel and then he conceded...
Round 4 - COTV Affinity
G1 - I am ahead but we are racing when my opponent plays Tezzeret and uses the get an artifact in the top 5 ability. He finds...and Ornithopter which will work great against my Inkmoth Nexus...I manager to squeak out the game anyway but it feels way closer than it should be.
G2 - I counter his COTV and slowly grind him out from there.
Playing 4 rounds and winning each 2-0 is pretty nice. The deck played very well but I would probably add the 2 cards into the deck even though I didn't miss them too much for this tournament (Add +1 Stifle, +1 Karakas & Remove -1 Crop Rotation, -1 Spell Pierce).
Now I need to decide what to do with the 11 Tempest Remastered Booster Packs I won...
Next purchase is a playset of Tarmogoyf's when Modern Masters comes out...I hope they drop to around $50 a pop from the $65 or so that they are at right now.
MODO SN - samuraisocks
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