Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Old School 93/94 - Alpha /Beta /Unlimited (A/B/U) Set Review

As discussed on my last post, I like to have an exhaustive list of cards to choose from and flick through when I am making decks. This is how I often find fun and/or niche sideboard cards for my decks.

Please chime in with comments or via email if you think that that I have missed any cards.

Work in Progress - White complete. Blue complete. Black complete. Red in progress. Green in progress.


Armageddon - Our first playable card is a no brainer that is a staple in WW, Erhnamgeddon and Bantamgeddon.

Balance - Well this is pretty easy isn't it, if I can pull out all the restricted cards I am doing a great job...

Benalish Hero - Benalish Hero is certainly playable in WW decks but loses a lot of power in 93/94 when you add Fallen Empires and Icatian Javelineers is so powerful. Yes, I just said a Fallen Empires card is powerful. Live with it.

Circle of Protection: Black / Red - The only two Circle of Protection's that are very good are Black and Red. Black shuts off the mono black agro decks and Red shuts of all the lighting bolts and fireballs that are running around.

Crusade - This is the best WW pump spell in the format.

Disenchant - In every deck with white you want x4 of these MD.

Island Sanctuary - A low mana cost moat that works well with Jayemdae Tome to keep you drawing cards.

Karma - Take that swamps!

Resurrection - One of my goals in the format is to build a reanimator style deck. This may be one of the pieces to that puzzle.

Reverse Damage - A nice instant speed trick to counter 'lethal' fireball's and the like.

Savannah Lions - The most aggressive 1 drop creature in the format is a staple in WW and is also used in several of the GW decks.

Serra Angel - Possibly the best creature in the format. Flies over Moat, doesn't die to Lightning Bolt, Red Elemental Blast, or Blue Elemental Blast and attacks/defends.

Swords to Plowshares - If Serra Angel is the premier finisher then Swords to Plowshares is the premier removal spell in the format. It kills every creature except Black Knight and Order of the Ebon Hand.

White Knight - Another aggressively casting cost creature for WW, with built in protection from terror and Juzam Djinn. The first strike ability also allows him to be a good attacker/blocker that matches up well versus many of the other low drop threats in the format.

Wrath of God - While Moat and The Abyss have largely superseded Wrath of God, in some meta games being able to clear the board is very useful.


Air Elemental - This little guy is very close to being playable but he is so outclassed by the other options at 3/4/5 mana, either by efficiency or power level. He is worth a mention but he isn't a card you need in your complete 93/94 set.

Ancestral Recall - Who knew the only 1 mana card draw spell would be good?

Blue Elemental Blast - The old hate cards were hateful indeed. Blue Elemental Blast is very powerful at countering all of the great red spells as well as countering those pesky Red Elemental Blasts.

Braingeyser - Card draw and a win condition. This card doesn't seem very strong when viewed through the eyes of modern card design and it is indeed quite slow. The thing is a lot of the games are quite slow and being able to refill your hand or randomly mill out your opponent is very powerful.

Clone - Clone is quite powerful without being over the top. The downside is that you usually need to make sure you can support clone with being able to copy only your creatures as there are several decks that play few or no creatures.

Control Magic - Control Magic is primarily a sideboard card but one that is very impactful against the aggro decks in the format. In particular any decks that do not have easy access to disenchant.

Copy Artifact - In my mind this is one of the undervalued cards in the format. A majority of decks have targets and you have targets in your own deck too. You can copy things as simple as your opponents Fellwar Stone all the way up to their Triskelion. I like this one quite a lot.

Counterspell - The best counterspell in the format that you are allowed to run a playset of.

Lord of Atlantis - Lord of Atlantis isn't too good under the Swedish rules of 93/94 but it does become a little more playable when FE enters the mix.

Mahamoti Djinn - All of the Djinn's are quite powerful in their own way. Mahamoti Djinn is the biggest of the Djinn's and makes quite a formidable finisher if only he was immune to Red Elemental Blast.

Mana Short - Mana Short is a good way to get a leg-up in the control mirror by forcing a counterwar on your opponents end step.

Merfolk of the Pearl Trident - The best (and only 1?) drop merfolk available in the format.

Phantasmal Forces - I haven't seen too many decks running this guy but if you are in the market for more evasive blue creatures he is not bad. The main draw back is that he dies to Lightning Bolt but in a format with more Swords to Plowshares than red removal, I am not sure that really matters.

Power Sink - Power Sink is the 3rd best counterspell in the format (after mana drain and counterspell).

Psionic Blast - Psionic blast is the perfect blue burn spell. I kills Serendib Efreet which is hugely important and sometimes you get to aim it right at your opponents face.

Stasis - For those that enjoy no fun, or should that be for those who enjoy their fun too much?

Steal Artifact - This is another card that I don't see too much of but is quite a powerful sideboard card in the right metagame. The question you need to ask is if taking their artifact will be much better than copying it with copy artifact?

Time Walk - Today we pay at least 5 mana to take an extra turn. Back in 1993 2 mana was deemed acceptable.

Timetwister - The 9th piece of power that is hugely influential in re-stocking your hand after you accelerate out as many permanents as possible. There are also several combos with Underworld Dreams and the like.

Unsummon - A great tempo card that doesn't see enough play, sure it doesn't damage your opponent (ala Vapor Snag) but it is great when people are playing creatures that are quite high in mana cost.

Vesuvan Doppelganger - If you are in the market for even more clones then this where you go next (if you don't run Dance of Many or Halfdane). Clone and Dance of Many are likely the most powerful of all of these effects and going to 8+ of this effect seems dangerous to say the least.


Animate Dead - This is another of the pieces for my magical 93/94 reanimator deck that may never come to pass...To be fair this is quite an important one.

Bad Moon - The Black version of crusade. If you want to go deep and make the black weenie deck then you are going to want x4 of these and you probably start your deck with x4 Stone-Throwing Devils?

Black Knight - The other analog to White Knight. Protection from Swords to Plowshares and being able to attack past a Serra Angel are no joke.

Dark Ritual - No combos here, unless Swamp > Dark Ritual > Hypnotic Specter is a combo...yeah ok that and turn 1 Juzam Djinn count as combos.

Demonic Hordes - I am not 100% sure on this guy but he is quite hefty and has a very relevant ability (land destruction). If you can get this guy out and protect him from a removal spell he is quite likely to take over the game.

Demonic Tutor - Another restricted card that can find you anything in your deck.

Drain Life - The black fireball.

Gloom - A pretty powerful hate card for black against WW and the like.

Howl from Beyond - As long as you can time this so that you don't get blown out by a removal spell then this can be an effective way for black decks to close out the game a little quicker. As it stands I would likely only play 1-2 of this in a deck.

Hypnotic Specter - A powerful play especially with the aforementioned Dark Ritual to accelerate him out early.  Random discard is also very strong.

Lord of the Pit - Another huge guy that I have on the list in case I have missed a deck where he could be reanimated or cloned, etc.

Mind Twist - This guy is oh so fun when you get to twist your opponent for all of his cards, and oh so sad when you get twisted for all of your cards.

Nightmare - A huge burning horse...that actually is my idea of a nightmare.

Paralyze - Blacks backup removal after you have played all of your copies of Terror and don't want to add another colour to your deck.

Pestilence - This is another card that doesn't see much play but can work as a wincon and a creature removal spell. The downside of having to destroy pestilence is the main reason that this card pales compared to The Abyss and Moat.

Sengir Vampire - I like Sengir Vampire quite a lot, I think he is currently underutilised in the current meta.

Simulacrum - This is a pretty neat combat trick that should likely be seeing more play. Especially if you have a lot of lightning bolt or kill you with a fireball decks.

Sinkhole - It does exactly what it says on the cards and does it for a very low mana cost.

Terror - A great removal spell if you don't have a ton of Black and Artifact creatures in your meta.

Word of Command - I guarantee you that your opponent will read this when you play it.


Disintegrate - Fireball if the better of the two red X spells but Disintegrate does see some play.

Dragon Whelp - Being able to attack with a 4/3 flier every turn can end games pretty quickly. Not being able to pump this guy more, dying to Lightning Bolt and him being so vulnerable to Blue Elemental Blast are big downsides though.

Earthquake - Being able to clear out blockers or ground pounders and also whittling your opponents life total down are both great assets to this card.

Fireball - Speaking of X spells (and occasionally of Y spells) this is the big daddy of 93/94. A card to mop up the board with a couple of small creatures or to go to the face.

Flashfires - Man there are some hateful cards in Beta. How much do you hate plains? Enough to set them all on fire. Burrrrn!

Fork - Fork is a pretty fun one, since it can work as a counterspell or a mind twist as well as whatever other fun cards you can find to copy. It is worth noting that this is now unrestricted in Europe.

Goblin Balloon Brigade - Only playable if you are going all in on Goblins. If you are though you probably want this little guy as he takes his balloon all the way over the moat.

Goblin King - The single best card in the Goblin deck.

Granite Gargoyle - 93/94 magic is played at a different pace than today's games. This means that sometimes you can sit back with large(ish) creatures and hope to block for multiple turns.

Keldon Warlord - I haven't seen this guy get played anywhere but I think his stats are pretty good for the format. Again the problem with all creatures that either don't fly or aren't artifacts is Moat/The Abyss.

Lightning Bolt - Old faithful.

Mana Flare - For when you just don't care.

Mana Barbs - I have played Mana Bards a few times in "modern" magic but not in 93/94 yet. I assume it is pretty good in an agro/tempo deck.

Mon's Goblin Raiders - Creature type goblin, check.

Orcish Artillery - I like this card quite a lot even though it sees no play. It is a sideboard card at best but really shines against the WW and other aggro decks in the format. If only it had the creature type Goblin...it is possible that making an errata to turn Orcs into Goblins could allow for some nice diversity in the format in the future.

Power Surge - This is another card that I am interested in playing in the mana burn environment.

Red Elemental Blast - This is one of the most powerful sideboard (and sometimes main deck) cards in the format.

Sedge Troll - A very aggressive creature with good abilities and stats. The issue is finding a deck for him to live in.

Shatter - While not as good as disenchant, Shatter does a lot of work in the red decks.

Shivan Dragon - I am not a huge fan of Shivan Dragon as a finisher and this is mostly because of Blue Elemental Blast but I see him in a lot of decks as a 1-of. Also he is huge, flies and has a lot of nostalgia around him.

Stone Rain - While not as good under the EC rules (x4 Strip Mine). A very nice sideboard card to destroy those annoying Mishra's factories.

Wheel of Fortune - Such a powerful card draw spell and it isn't even blue!



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