Saturday, May 10, 2014

PTQ Sealed (4th 05/10/2014)

I made Top 8 of the Asgards sealed PTQ on 5/10/2014. It was the first time I had played Theros block sealed with all 3 sets (aka it was my pre-release). I lost round one and then had to win out for the rest of the day to make Top8. I honestly don't have much more to say since I know nothing about the format.



Monday, May 5, 2014

Asylum Games: SCG Invitational Qualifier (Standard - Boros Aggro 05/03/14)

Asylum Games: SCG Invitational Qualifier (Standard - Boros Aggro May 3 2014)

The plan was to grind the SCG IQ to gather up some more open points. To do this I would need to top 8. 

Choosing a deck went like this - I don’t play much standard and I didn’t buy in on sphinx’s revelation when it was released because I wasn’t playing too much magic when it was spoiled. Consequently, I have been shying away from sphinx’s revelation decks solely because I don’t have the experience in the mirror matches (or v. aggro for that matter).  Also, nobody offered to loan me a sphinxes revelation deck. I was offered Naya Hexproof (sans mana confluence) as well as white weenie. I borrowed white weenie as a backup plan incase the Naya Hexproof deck didn’t show up (previous Magic lessons learned, Magic players are extremely unreliable). I wanted to splash a colour and I figured the worst matchup for white weenie was probably control; this instantly led me to indestructible white weenies via boros charm as opposed to the WB version. I had a list that was several months out of date from the master of multiple States (Ty). It still seemed fine, so with a few tweaks I arrived with the list sans any new cards. I made a friend convince me to add an additional land into the deck since my initial build was a pretty greedy 21 lands with 8 3 drops. I added 1 mana confluence as my 22nd land and removed a 3 drop, since I didn’t want a guild gate but wanted a 9th red source for among other things Mizzium Mortars. My sideboard was horrible but I just didn’t have the time or cards to fix it in time, many of the choices were right but the specific cards were incorrect, i.e. wear//tear was fine since I wanted to fight v enchantments but it would have been better as deicide.

Oh yeah and the Naya Hexproof deck never showed up so Boros it was!

R1 (Mono Black) –

G1 -My opponent flips a card while shuffling (we are both mulliganing). I look away but I see that it is an underworld connections. I snap keep the following on the draw: Banisher Priest, 3 Plains, Mutavault, Scryland. My opponent goes Godless Shrine (take 2), Thoughtseize you and takes my Banisher Priest. I win this game.

R2 – UWR Control

G1 – I use brave the elements to counter a detention sphere and that gains me enough tempo to kill them with a boros charm a turn or two later.

G2 – I have a guy in play and a mutavault and they land Jace. I untap, attack jace for 1 and slam Manabarbs Burning Earth. The next time they tap mana I redirect the damage to Jace and kill him. From there I just grind out as much damage as possible without over committing to the board.

R3 (Naya Mid-range) –

G1 – I nut draw with triple boros elite into spear. GG

G2 – Soldier of pantheon does a lot of work for me and I win the race while he struggles with his atrocious mana base.

R4 (Jund) –

G1 – I know he is on jund and play around as many spells as possible. He overloads mizzium mortars and I brave then win.

G2 – He curves out and gets me with multiple removal spells.

G3 – He has loads of removal but eventually I run him out of removal and we both start racing I have just enough to kill him on a final swing when we are both close to dead and busy racing back and forth.

R5 – ID - go to Whataburger and grab some food.

R6 – ID


GW Aggro

G1- I have no idea what he is playing and I get man handled by courser of Kruphix and friends.

G2 – I know what he is playing and I get man handled.  

I definitely sideboarded incorrectly, though it might not matter since it seems like a tough matchup.

Making top 8 was good for a couple more open points and a little standard practice.
