Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Magic Online / MODO / MTGO Daily Event Legacy - July 2015

GP Lille has come and gone. What did it show us? There were a lot of Delver decks on coverage, especially grixis delver. Surprisingly it was the more "traditional" 4 colour / Castelvania Delver decks that made the top 8 rather than the newer Angler versions of the deck. The big take away for me is that Dig Through Time is excellent. I already knew that but after watching a bunch of games play out and playing with Dig Through Time more on MODO I am even more convinced of its power. I will be jamming as many decks with Dig Through Time over the coming months. Dig Through Time feels almost as good as treasure cruise and that is likely not a good sign for the card or the health of legacy...

The two decks (other than the 4c Delver) that interested me the most were the following:


I have Infect built online and I have played it to a few good finishes, including my first daily event 4-0. This update is similar to one that Tom Ross has talked about several times. I have always been a little leery of the white splash in the past, as I am not sold on whether it is needed or not. In such a large and diverse field having access to the powerful white sideboard cards seems to have paid off in this case.


Saito's Grixis Delver is the other deck that interested me. While Saito did not top 8 he did go 9-0 on day 1 with his take on Grixis. The main thing of note is the Dig Through Time's replacing what used to be Treasure Cruise.

I have played the deck in 1 daily event so far and went 3-1. I lost to MUD through a game where he was on the play and went turn 1 COTV. Then I lost another game because I misclicked on my brainstorm and put the cards back in the wrong order which meant I didn't have a blue card for his Trinisphere...and I never drew a 3rd land.  The main deck looks pretty perfect to me but I think there is some work in the sideboard. I would like to shoehorn in a Rakdos Charm since it gives another artifact hate card as well as a graveyard hate card which is something the deck currently has 0 of.

Oh yeah and before I forget, I have finally bought my power 9, set of Mishra's Workshops and Bazaar of Baghdad's online. So I should be able to start jamming some vintage in the near future.


MTG Origins Legacy & Modern Set Review

It's that time again for my Legacy and Modern Review of the newest set MTG Origins!

Despite being a "Core Set" with several reprints and only a handful of new cards, there are some pretty spicy cards in this set. My prediction is that MTG Origins has the largest impact of any core set on Standard and Modern. In addition, the card prices from this set could be very interesting to watch. We will have to wait and see how popular the draft format is but traditionally core set chase cards have gone for some serious money (see Baneslayer Angel, etc.). This time around I think we have more sleepers compared to chase rares like Baneslayer Angel but sometimes it is the slow and steady gainers that you want to keep track of.


Hallowed Moonlight - More ways to disrupt Reanimator and Elves are always appreciated but costing 2 mana in legacy is a tall order (especially when we could just play containment priest). For modern we probably don't have enough targets to make this worthwhile but it is worth mentioning that it has some interesting interactions with Kikki-Jikki and Splinter Twin. Buying you 1 turn though is likely not enough.

Vryn Wingmare - Thalia is the best of these effects but Vryn can also trade with a Delver of Secrets which is a nice bonus. More 1 butt's in Death and Taxes seems like it could be asking for trouble though. When Death and Taxes first came around as a deck some people were really high on Glowrider and Vryn is a big upgrade from that.

Starfield of Nyx - Enchantress has been aching for some new cards for the past several blocks. Enchantress lovers thought that their time had come when Theros block was announced but they were left wanting. Starfield of Nyx adds a win condition and a slow Replenish effect to the deck, all while being an enchantment while you are "going off." Also this card will likely look awesome in foil because of the art and colouring.


Harbinger of the Tides - Holy Tempo batman. This guy is pretty sweet, as a quasi time walk you can put your opponent quite far behind all while laying out your army of little fish. The added bonus of using him later as a Venser creature bounce is also a nice option. This guy is going to make racing merfolk quite difficult for fair decks. The downside is that if your opponent is not sure whether they should attack, then not is often the answer now because of the creature being tapped clause.

Jhessian Thief - Is it too much to ask for Ophidian to be playable again? This is likely the best Ophidian that we have seen in a while with the exception of Ohran Viper who I still think is an excellent creature and wildly underplayed. This little thief will probably see 0 play but that doesn't mean that I wont try and play it in some format...Maybe Pauper or Vintage?

Mizzium Meddler - This guy could see some play in modern, he survives lightning bolt and can mess with your opponents Splinter Twin, etc.


Dark Petition - An obviously powerful Tutor + Dark Ritual. In legacy 5 mana is a huge wall to overcome. If people start playing this, then I think I will be dazing and spell piercing a lot of these. For Modern, there aren't any black rituals so I am not sure how good this card is. Also worth mentioning is that flipping this to an Ad Nauseam will hurt a lot.

Gnarlroot Trapper - This guy is like a reverse elves of the Deep Shadow that has an extra ability! Unfortunately, his mana ability only casts elves which means he is probably a no-go in legacy due to having to cast Natural Order  and Glimpse of Nature but for modern this guy is sweet. This guy lets elves play defense as well, which is something that elves have often struggled with in the past.


Animist's Awakening - I have no doubt that Travis Woo will try something with this card. For legacy, the easiest deck to look at is lands. Honestly, I am not sure if lands is the right home for this card but this is the powerful sort of card that could change how a deck plays. What other land win conditions are there other than Thespian Stage + Dark Depths and Man Lands? If there is something spicy out there, we could have a fun brew on our hands.

Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen - This guy has the right stats to block Delver and pump your elf team. He is probably a little corner case and may be a sideboard card but fetching him up with Green Sun Zenith and attacking with your team is going to gain you a lot of life.

Evolutionary Leap - I like where Wizards head is at, this card could be totally busted or complete trash, only time will tell. This is probably more of a modern card than anything else though. For modern I think we want to utilize Persist, Dredge, Vengevine, etc. to gain some value. In legacy, I am not sure what we want to do with creatures in hand... 

Herald of the Pantheon -  This guy isn't going to resurrect enchantress from the dead but he will be a welcome addition to the sideboard of the people who still play the deck (anybody out there?). He can buy you some time which is all you really want if you are playing that deck.


Abbot of Keral Keep - I think we will end up calling this guy the red Snapcaster Mage. He seems very good for both Standard and Modern. Could UR Burn become a thing in modern with this guy and Snapcaster Mage? I don't see this guy being strong enough in legacy, if he had flash then we could talk.

Goblin Piledriver - A reprint for legacy but a first printing for modern. This little guy will put goblins on the map but the world is pretty hateful to goblins with all those bolts, etc. I also do not think pro-blue is particularly valuable in modern at the moment, with the exception of merfolk and Pestermite / Deceiver Exarch.

Magmatic Insight - A potential combo card for Goblin Charbelcher/ Empty the Warrens, or some other red based combo deck in Legacy or Modern? Someone more combo inclined will have to bust this card but it is definitely on my "to watch list."

Molten Vortex - This might be my favorite card in the set (until I start losing to it). A small upfront mana investment, a largely irrelevant downside and its in the correct colour. I have been mulling the idea of putting Cursed Scroll in more decks lately (mostly Delver decks)...this is likely just better and slightly harder to kill. I think most decks only want 1 or 2 of this effect but if you can get two activations from this in an aggressive deck then you have likely won the game. It also "combos" well with Grim Lavamancer by putting lands into the graveyard.

Pia and Kiran Nalaar - A human siege-gang commander but with tokens that have evasion? There is a Death and Taxes list which is currently popular online that runs Imperial Recruiter and Magus of the Moon. I could see wanting one Pia and Kiran Nalaar in the 75 since you can search for it with Imperial Recruiter. It is very awkward that Pia and Kiran Nalaar costs 4 mana since you never want to set your vial to 4...also worth noting is that with Pia and Kiran Nalaar in play you have a use for those extra dead Aether Vials, Phyrexian Revokers and any additional Equipment. Also worth mentioning is that Cavern of Souls on Human will help you pay for an uncounterable Pia and Kiran Nalaar. Note - Pia and Kiran Nalaar is an annoyingly long name...I vote we rename it PKN which sounds like a political party from North Korea..




Hangarback Walker - I like this guy quite a lot. He can fit in most parts of your curve and can gain some value if you have some time. I see this guy having potential in Modern (Affinity) and Legacy (MUD). The fact that he insulates you from spot removal and sweepers is very nice and providing flying attackers/blockers is icing on the cake. This guy is also a complete and utter house in Standard, I see this guy being played a lot in all sorts of archetypes...


Shaman of the Pack - Shaman of the Pack could be the missing piece of the Modern Elves deck to push it into true Tier 1 status.

This is the biggest bunch of potential payable's in a while from ANY Magic set. I think Magic Origins will be an understated hit in eternal formats.
