Lightform - A way to cheat Phyrexian Dreadnought into play? Yeah, it may be but is it better than casting Show and Tell or casting True Name Nemesis and not needing any setup? I am not convinced but Lighform (and Cloudform) are where that deck will look to if it is a real deck. The deck can also run Top + Counterbalance to help setup and protect.
Monastery Mentor - This guy is high up there in power level but for 3 mana+ in legacy I generally want to be casting a planeswalker or a show and tell. He could see some sideboard play though. I can imagine this seeing some more play in modern though almost definitely along with Young Pyromancer. It will not take long for this guy to take over a board (and young pyro already did that quite well).
Sage's Reverie - Could this fit into Bogles? I doubt it because of the 4 mana to cast it.
Soulfire Grand Master - Another modern only card is my guess, unless someone can figure out a good deck to sideboard this guy in. Playing this guy against UR delver and then casting Electrikery is probably pretty fun.
Cloudform - See Lightform.
Renowned Weaponsmith - We keep getting these blue accelerate your artifact creatures and none of them have been playable yet but it isn't too crazy to think that someone might want to accelerate into Wurmcoil Engine in Modern (without Tron).
Temporal Tresspass - I am honestly not sure how good this is but Treasure Cruise was much better than most people thought ,so it is likely worth keeping an eye on.
Torrent Elemental -
Tasigur, the Golden Fang - I am actually quite high on this guy. His main downside is that he is a legend and he competes with Treasure Cruise, so in Legacy I am probably only willing to play 1 copy of him. He is comparable to goyf in size with the added upside of drawing you a card on an empty board. He may also see some modern play for similar reasons and I am sure he is going to be quite good in BUG in standard. He likely slots into my 4 colour delver deck as a 1 of. I am quite excited to try him out to see if he is as good as I think that he might be.
Collateral Damage - Shard Volley sometimes makes it into mono-red burn as a 1-2 of in modern/legacy and I can see Collateral Damage making a similar but not super exciting foray into the format. For standard however with Hordeling Outburst Collateral Damage seems quite good.
Humble Defector - Perhaps Wizards is gifting us another piece of the puzzle for Standard/Modern Jeskai Ascendancy combo?
Temur Battle Rage - Why cant this be green?...oh yeah because Infect would be way better in modern.
Wild Slash - Nobody was playing Shock anyway (in modern or legacy) but now you really will never play Shock again. I still like Forked Bolt a lot for eternal formats but the prevent damage clause could be relevant against True Name Nemesis if you are running Goyf.
Not too many cards to pick up unless Monastery Mentor is completely broken in modern/legacy, which is a possibility. Oh yeah thank you for another potentially busted Mythic rare that doesn't do anything particularly mythic... Tasigur is my favorite card from the set. His price is likely to be kept in check by being a rare, a legend and Treasure Cruise being run first (though Treasure Cruise could go at any time).
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