Tuesday, July 8, 2014

RUG Box Review

RUG Box Review
I have played more games with RUG / Canadian Threshold than any other deck in Magic. Whenever I show up to a store or tournament with RUG I usually have another deck box with me. Inside my bag is my "RUG Box." While the main deck's 55-60 is pretty set in stone, the sideboard of RUG is quite malleable; though you wouldn't necessarily know it from looking at the regular top 8 RUG sideboards. 

RUG BOX LIST (for completeness main deck cards are also in this list):  
Ancient Grudge
Artifact Mutation
Chain Lightning
Delver of Secrets
Destructive Revelry
Fire // Ice
Flooded Strand
Force of Will
Forked Bolt
Gitaxian Probe
Grafdiggers Cage
Green Sun's Zenith
Grim Lavamancer
Krosan Grip
Life from the Loam
Lightning Bolt
Mindbreak Trap
Misty Rainforest
Nimble Mongoose
Phyrexian Revoker
Pithing Needle
Polluted Delta
Price of Progress
Reality Ripple
Scalding Tarn
Scavenging Ooze
Snapcaster Mage 
Spell Pierce
Spell Snare
Sulfur Elemental
Sulfuric Vortex
Surgical Extraction
Sylvan Library
Tormod's Crypt
Tropical Island
True Name Nemesis
Vendilion Clique
Volcanic Island
Wooded Foothills
Young Pyromancer
Zuran Orb
First let’s talk about the strategies you need to beat:
The big ones here that you are worried about are Batterskull, Blood Moon and Rest in Peace.

Ancient Grudge  
Artifact Mutation
Destructive Revelry
Krosan Grip
Reality Ripple
Sulfuric Vortex - Note this also comes in against blood moon decks

Blue Cards
The cards you care about here are Jace, the Mindsculptor, Show and Tell and True Name Nemesis.
Divert - Note this can serve as an additional spell pierce in a counter war
Red Elemental Blast
Primarily decks with Islands and Jace the Mindsculptor.

Envelop - Versus Terminus
Red Elemental Blast
Pithing Needle
Spell Pierce
Sylvan Library
Against Combo your goal is to prevent them from getting A + B. This can be show and tell and a fatty, rituals and ad Ad Nauseam or any other 2 or 3 combination of cards.
Dismember - Against painted stone
Divert - Versus Cabal Therapy and Thoughtseize not Duress
Fire // Ice - I like Fire // Ice against Ad Nauseam because it pitches to force of will, can Ice them for tempo on upkeep and also can be used to kill Xantid Swarm if they side that in.
Grafdiggers Cage - If they are elves or dredge
Mindbreak Trap
Red Elemental Blast
Phyrexian Revoker - Primarily against A + B combo that use permanents such as painter+ grindstone, etc
Surgical Extraction - for A + B combo when they only have 4/8 pieces of the combo
Vendilion Clique - for A + B combo


The most problematic creatures are Deathrite Shaman, Knight of the Reliquary and Tarmogoyf.

Chain Lightning
Fire // Ice
Forked Bolt
Grim Lavamancer
Scavenging Ooze - Against decks where your life total matters because of racing or you can control their graveyard to your advantage.
True Name Nemesis
Young Pyromancer - This can come in as a wall against some creature decks that just want to keep attacking you with small dudes.
Dredgers are probably the most worrying graveyard card that you can come across though Life from the loam and goblin welder can also be troublesome.

Grafdiggers Cage
Green Sun's Zenith - Not great but if you are running Scavenging Ooze you side it in.  
Scavenging Ooze
Surgical Extraction
Tormod's Crypt


Being out tempoed is probably the worst thing that can happen to your tempo deck. Other decks that also have delver of secrets will try and do that and you need to stop them.

Chain Lightning
Fire // Ice
Forked Bolt
Grim Lavamancer
Life from the Loam
Red Elemental Blast
Scavenging Ooze - To help shrink their graveyard and also to potentially get rid of their life from the loam.

I have lumped any other narrow or metagame sideboard cards here.

Green Sun's Zenith - For when you need more dudes but want to flip Delver of Secrets
Hydroblast - When you play against too much Burn
Price of Progress - If you have lots of Jund and Lands in your metagame
Snapcaster Mage - If you need more copies of Lightning Bolt and/or Spell Pierce
Spell Snare - If there are a lot of Stone Forget Mystics and other powerful 2 drops in your metagame.
Zuran Orb - For against burn

RUGs primary game plan is to 1 for 1 your opponent while pushing your advantage. This  game plan is pretty weak against swarm decks like elves and death and taxes who can deploy more than one threat or answer in the same turn.
For ease of use I have grouped the cards into hate cards related to beating specific strategies. Some cards are much more obvious that others, so I have not added any additional info, for others I have added a few notes or comments.
Chain Lightning
Fire // Ice
Forked Bolt
Grim Lavamancer
Submerge - If green
Sulfur Elemental
It is worth noting that you need to be careful not to over sideboard. Also be diligent about what cards your opponent does and does not play around - Daze, Stifle, etc to help in your sideboarding decisions.
If there are any cards I have missed then let me know!


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